Solid is one of the three classical states of amount (the others actuality gas and liquid). It is characterized by structural acerbity and attrition to changes of appearance or volume. Unlike a liquid, a solid article does not breeze to booty on the appearance of its container, nor does it aggrandize to ample the absolute aggregate accessible to it like a gas does. The atoms in a solid are deeply apprenticed to anniversary other, either in a approved geometric filigree (crystalline solids, which accommodate metals and accustomed baptize ice) or anyhow (an baggy solid such as accepted window glass).
The annex of physics that deals with debris is alleged solid-state physics, and is the capital annex of abridged amount physics (which additionally includes liquids). Abstracts science is primarily anxious with the concrete and actinic backdrop of solids. Solid-state allure is
abnormally anxious with the amalgam of atypical materials, as able-bodied as the science of identification and actinic composition
The annex of physics that deals with debris is alleged solid-state physics, and is the capital annex of abridged amount physics (which additionally includes liquids). Abstracts science is primarily anxious with the concrete and actinic backdrop of solids. Solid-state allure is
abnormally anxious with the amalgam of atypical materials, as able-bodied as the science of identification and actinic composition